April Fair of Seville: Our tips to go perfect

One of the most popular events in the city of Seville is approaching: The April Fair. In these days the joy, the chamomile, the reunions with friends, the sevillanas and above all “have a good time”, is the goal. Today, from Florsali, we want to give you our best tips so that you go spectacular, and above all, what go past ten.

1- The shoes

For me, without a doubt, the flamenco shoes are one of the keys of the Fair. The shoes hold our entire body and, these days, we will go with tight dresses, ornaments, and above all, we will dance, and much. Therefore, beautiful shoes that are comfortable are essential. Forget about those 20-centimeter stiletto heels; because yes, they are very beautiful but, let’s face it, you’re going to want to take them off within half an hour of being at the Fair. And yes, they say that to show off you have to suffer; but not so much. If you are a lover of heels, we advise you to use a wide heel and not excessively high, because it will give you more stability. Another option is to wear flamenco shoes, since they are not very tall and are very comfortable; or some espartos, which are currently the most used for their comfort and there are different heights. It is true that, with the puddles and the albero, the espartos are very suffered, but there are very cheap ones and it is a sure bet to go great and to endure the whole fair.

2- Flamenco flowers and earrings

Can you imagine a flamenco without flowers? Even many women who do not dress as gypsies decorate their heads with a flamenco flower, since it is the star complement at the fair. The most common thing now is to place the flower centered and high; although there are flamencas who prefer to put it aside; I, personally, see it more elegant and sophisticated in the middle. In addition, this year there are bouquets tendency (that is, place on our heads numerous flowers in different shades), leaving behind the classic single flower. As for the combs and combs, although there are women who wear it every year as a tradition, in recent years have been replaced by a good assortment of flowers. For the more round faces teardrop earrings sharpen their features; while for the more square or elongated faces, hoop earrings will favor them a lot.

3- El mantoncillo

Although there are many ways to place the shawl, the most feminine way is to place it on the same line that draws the front and back neckline of the suit adorned by a brooch. A nice brooch in tune with the shawl and suit, brings an original and distinguished touch.

4- The flamenco dress

Without a doubt, he is the absolute protagonist in our dress. This year, polka dots come with a lot of strength, in all sizes. Polka dots larger, small, medium … Also sophisticated fabrics such as plumeti or lace add a unique touch to our flamenco dress. If a few years ago the short dress became fashionable, this year is completely unthinkable. We bet on the classics, both smooth and with polka dots. And this year 2016, both the canasteros and the flyers are tied in popularity. And of course a balance between a sensual chest or back neckline.

5- The shawl

Although you are beautiful wearing your suits, this year is expected to be cold at certain hours of the morning; so you will remember us. If you have a booth where you can store things, leave it there until you feel cold. Also, if you come with strength and want to end up having churros as tradition marks, it will be your star complement.

6- The hair

Undoubtedly, the hair collected and with a clear face is the look par excellence at the fair. What to wear with your hair down is very elegant for many events; but not to go to the fair. From a high tail known as “horsetail”, a tangled braid or a very elaborate bow. Any option that leaves the face clear is perfect to go dressed in flamenco.

7- The makeup

A good mascara with long eyelashes and an elegant lipstick are your allies these days. The reds stand out on the lips, the roses and, for the most daring ones, the purples, which are tendency. And of course, some blushes, to add a touch of joy to the face.

8- The nails

Next to the hair, the nails are one of the parts of our body that we take care of the most; since it is inevitable to observe them. Gel nails are the trend most used today; since they are very elegant and original. Although I, personally, bet more for a permanent glaze, since I like more natural and without risk to break. It usually costs about 10 euros and lasts between 2 or 3 weeks. A perfect bet. Choose colors like red, pink, French manicure, which usually combine great with all the costumes and looks.

9- Fundamental kit

We know that you will leave the perfect house after hours arranging. A divine hairstyle and impeccable makeup. But if you get the day’s highlights, the makeup often disappears and you get to a point that you do not want even one more photo. Because the bag is not usually worn and we manage with the famous pockets of flamenco costume final, we have to select in detail what it is that we will take. Of course the mobile phone, and we recommend a portable charger because you surely need to make a call and you do not have a one percent battery. Forget about the wallet, which weighs a lot, and take a purse with money, ID and keys. And as a final touch, take the powder face to improve imperfections of certain hours of the night and a lipstick. It will look like you just left home.

10- Enjoy the week

Without a doubt, this is the best makeup you can wear and the best dress you can wear: have a great time. Remember that the fair is a week to dance, to eat, to sing and to be with those people that you appreciate. Of course it is also a week in which it is easy to meet desired people and not so much, also where discussions may arise, reconciliations and reunions. Write down our best advice: Laugh, sing and dance and forget everything.

Huge profits!


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